Introducing Untitled Frontier


We’ve all been there.

Whooping when Captain America picks up Thor’s hammer in the Avenger’s Endgame. Crying in the first 10 minutes of Up. Singing the Force Theme as the sun sets. Laughing at a Monty Python sketch. Being touched by a moving documentary. Many emotions that remind us what it means to be human. Stories define us.

“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy (or savour) the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” - EB White

Stories allows to savour our world.

In 2021, with decreased barriers to entry, and increased access to distribution, more and more stories can fill in the many gaps that can meaningfully impact the communities we are a part of. Some read stories on Instagram stories, while others print a paperback straight from Amazon. It’s becoming as diverse as we are.

Yet. With this new abundant opportunity, it’s still difficult for the many storytellers to earn a living. New models such as subscription revenue have opened up new channels, but, we can do more. Blockchain technology allows us to not only empower storytellers by giving them access to infrastructure that might exclude them, but, it also allows us to imagine new stories. Through this, we might not only found ourselves in an era where storytellers can more readily earn a living, but where we have more storytellers rising up and contributing to the savouring of the world.

The Experimental Frontier

Currently, the opportunity space is broad. By focusing on blockchain technology, we aim to imagine and experiment in various ways to write new stories and present templates for storytellers to earn a living.

  • What do stories look like when it is written with NFTs as a core medium and experience?

  • How can collective storytelling and collaboration be fostered with new, novel organisational forms such as DAOs?

  • Can we share ownership over more traditional publishing channels? A press owned by its writers and readers?

  • How do fans become equal-footed contributors to the canon of a story (and share in the success of a story universe)?

These are all questions that Untitled Frontier aims to explore. This is not a journey that we alone can tackle. It might necessitate that we only chew off a small portion to enable new stories and empower new storytellers. As we continue to explore this intersection, we will share what we learn, and in doing so accelerate the future we hope to see.

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The Logged Universe #1 - The Line To Anchor City